Why Compass took part in Climate Fresk Training, and Why Your Business Should Too


June 6, 2023

It’s time to take the meaningful strides towards sustainability. Climate change poses an urgent global challenge that demands collective action from individuals, organizations and governments. In response, businesses are increasingly recognising the need to adopt sustainable practices to reduce their carbon footprint and mitigate environmental impact. In order to make positive change, businesses must first understand the issue.

It’s complex. Multi-layered. Overwhelming. And often hard to create the proper space for as a business. But that’s why we called in the experts at Climate Fresk, to facilitate a training programme. Climate Fresk is a French nonprofit organization founded in December 2018 whose aim is to raise public awareness about climate change. It works to provide quality climate education, that is accessible to anyone and can be scaled quickly within an organisation or community.


In May, the entire Compass team spent a morning with one of Climate Fresk’s incredibly knowledgeable facilitators, Laure – visually mapping out the hugely complex topic that is climate change. Using the Climate Fresk cards, Laure helped us to distinguish what the causes and effects of climate change really look like. Sounds simple, but being able to map the relative impacts allowed us to revisit our knowledge, kick our assumptions to the curb, and gain a deeper understanding. The team were able to map the interconnectedness between what we do as humans (and as businesses) and the direct and indirect consequences on the planet and people. We mapped everything, from activities like agriculture and deforestation, to impacts such as ocean acidification and declining biodiversity. By the end of the “Fresk”, each of us were able to better grasp not only the sheer scale of the issue, but how everything we do in one place, has subsequent consequences somewhere else.


After three hours of organizing our thoughts, sharing our ideas and discussing them, we came to the solutions phase of the session. Together, we brainstormed what we can do proactively to tackle this issue on a government, business and individual level. By this stage of the training programme, our overwhelmed feelings of helplessness had turned to a sense of empowerment, embracing these challenges head on with a sense of hope for the future. 


Climate Fresk is comprehensively designed to educate and empower people to think about the issues in depth and devise meaningful solutions. As important as it is for individuals to take steps in the right direction, businesses in particular have the power and influence to make a change on a broader scale. It’s time for businesses to address climate change and take meaningful strides towards sustainability, and we reckon Climate Fresk training is an excellent place to start! 


As we navigate the challenges of climate change and strive to be more sustainable and environmentally conscious, Climate Fresk has provided us with the knowledge, tools and inspiration of what it takes to make a meaningful impact. 


Here at Compass, we are well-versed in the purpose-led space, helping brands that can truly make a difference at various points on these maps to amplify their impact. While we’re thinking about elements of climate change everyday while helping our clients, we learnt a lot from this session. Assumed knowledge was corrected, and any misconceptions were talked through in detail with Laure. 


Climate Fresk training offers invaluable benefits to businesses aiming to navigate the complex challenges of climate change and enhance their climate consciousness. It is becoming more imperative for businesses to be aware of the impacts of climate change so they are equipped with the knowledge necessary to assess their own environmental impact, develop mitigation strategies and identify sustainable business practices. Empowering employees with this knowledge steers them towards a greener future both as individuals and in the work they do.  Because if we all act now and work together, positive changes can happen, and relatively quickly. 


At Compass, we pride ourselves on amplifying impact – on putting people and the planet at the forefront of everything we do. So we’re here to encourage other businesses to do the same! 

If you or your business is interested in Climate Fresk training, we’d encourage you to visit their website for more info and to see dates for public workshops.

Email australia@climatefresk.org if you're interested in organising a workshop for your organisation and watch our experience with the training here!

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